
Blog Title: Christianity and Sociailsm

Christianity and Socialism: Can They Be Reconciled?

In contemporary American society, there is an increasing demand for socialism. The rise of figures like Bernie Sanders indicates that many Americans believe this philosophy is the “way of the future.” Even some Christians tout socialism as a cure for poverty and financial difficulty. But can orthodox Christianity and socialism be reconciled? I maintain that […]

Christianity and Socialism: Can They Be Reconciled? Read More »

Blog title: The Difference Between Capitalism and Socialism

The Differences Between Capitalism and Socialism

Few words are as misunderstood these days as “capitalism” and “socialism.” Capitalism is a term that consistently misunderstood due to the notion that it brings about class structures. In contrast, socialism has been propped up and promoted as a utopian economic system. But few people seem to understand what each financial system entails. So we’re

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Blog title: What is Financial Apologetics

What is Financial Apologetics?

Our world primarily has a toxic and harmful view of money. Even among Christians, there is this pervasive idea that wealth is a cause of evil, and Christians should have no wealth aspirations. We see this as a fundamentally flawed view, and we are here to combat the false teachings surrounding money through financial apologetics. 

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